Friday, February 6, 2009

Wordpress 2.7 Installation Process share wordpress CMS script and the new one is wordpress 2.7 that is free and you can download from Multiple selection WordPress CMS script language, including English and other are available.So you can install the WordPress CMS Script to your own domain and Webhost.

You can have a free Domain and free Hosting and then you can install WordPress CMS Script in it.Installation steps are as follows:

1.Download WordPress CMS Script in

2.Extract your WordPress CMS Script

3.find and edit the file wp-config-sample.php that is in the WordPress folder, open with Notepad.

<? php
/ / ** MySQL settings ** / /
define ( 'db_name', 'a4570911_DBname'); / / The name of the database
define ( 'DB_USER', 'a4570911_DBUser'); / / Your MySQL username
define ( 'DB_Password,' 'passwordanda'); / / ... and password
define ( 'DB_Host,' ''); / / 99% chance you will not need to change this value

4.Fill Mysql data in accordance with the database of yours. Ie Database Name, Users Database, database password and host data base. If you do not make it yet, please enter your webhost Cpanel and Mysql Select the menu and create your database and input the data in the file wp-config-sample.php.Then rename the file wp-config-sample.php with the name of wp-config. php

5.Archieve all files and folders inside the wordpress folder into a ZIP file using the application software like WinZip or winrar.

5.Then in the form of a zip, upload your files using the webhost application software FTP client like File zila or you can also use the web FTP: Zip files to the public_html folder on your webhost.

6.Then Extract your finished uploading file and enter the CPANEL menu select file manager on your webhost or directly using the web FTP at:

7. Once the process is complete you can perform the installation process in a way that is accessing your site your Blog name and email and click install.

8.WordPress installation is complete and you will automatically be given a password by to access your CMS visit and fill user name and password that has been available before.

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